Electromagnetic multiple scattering library and toolkit.
Bug List
Global ewald3_2_sigma_long_Delta (complex double *target, double *target_err, int maxn, complex double x, int xbranch, complex double z)
The current choice of method, based purely on the value of z, might be unsuitable especially for big values of maxn.
Global ewald3_2_sigma_long_Delta_series (complex double *target, double *target_err, int maxn, complex double x, int xbranch, complex double z)
The error estimate seems to be wrong (too small) at least in some cases: try parameters maxn = 40, z = 0.5, x = -3. This might be related to the exponential growth of the error.
Global qpms_scatsyswk_scattered_E (const qpms_scatsys_at_omega_k_t *sswk, qpms_bessel_t typ, const complex double *scatcoeff_full, cart3_t evalpoint)
Currently implemented only for btyp == QPMS_HANKEL_PLUS.